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这里批发零售的都是日本牌子的宠物主食,零食,用品的产品😎 The products sold here are Japanese brand staple foods, snacks, and supplies 每个月都会有更多新产品 敬请期待吧🤩还在等什么⁉️ There will be more new products every month, so stay tuned What are you waiting for⁉️ ⚠️快来跟我下单吧‼️ Come and place an order with me‼ ️ 我们的邮寄是一站式的🏣:- Our mailing is a one-stop shop🏣:- ⚠️12点之前下单的都会当天发货🛃 Orders placed before 12 o'clock will be shipped on the same day🛃 ⚠️有跟我们下过单的顾客都知道😎 ⚠️星期六跟星期日休息日♨️ Saturday & Sunday OFF♨️ ⚠️所以在这两天下单的都要等到星期一才可以出货哦🥰